Scale and manage your file data natively in Microsoft Azure

Let's face it, using the cloud for storing file data can be complicated. Third-party tools can be difficult to set up and use, especially if they come with different management interfaces. Not to mention that refactoring these legacy applications can be painful, time-consuming and expensive. What if moving data to the cloud and deploying, managing and scaling file data in the cloud were as simple as a few clicks? With Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service, it is!

Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service is now available in Public Preview

Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service provides exabyte-scale cloud file management and storage services in a single namespace with the performance, security and simplicity to meet the most demanding enterprise workloads. This means you can now deploy and use Qumulo data services natively in Azure and scale your data as needed without going through multiple procurement touch points. The entire provisioning process is now automated directly through the Microsoft Azure portal, so you can deploy what you need, when you need it, in minutes - without VNet peering and the associated costs. In addition, the virtual network interfaces for Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service are deployed on your own virtual network, enabling additional security configurations such as network security groups (NSG) or connection to a virtual appliance for traffic inspection.

File data in the cloud, now as easy as a click

While Qumulo has been available on Azure since March 2021, the public preview version of Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service offers expanded regional availability and a significantly simplified onboarding and provisioning process. Previously, subscribing and purchasing Qumulo through the Azure Marketplace required a lengthy network qualification process via VNet peering. Now, customers can deploy Qumulo to Azure in minutes with just a few clicks.

Qumulo can be deployed in any of the nine U.S. public regions in Azure. These include Azure regions "USA, East," "USA, East 2," "USA, West," "USA, West 2," "USA, West 3," "USA, North-Central," "USA, West-Central," and "USA, South-Central." All you have to do is select your capacity, performance and region requirements and deploy your Qumulo file system directly from the Azure portal. Your fully provisioned Azure Native Qumulo file service, including network connectivity, is up and running in less than 15 minutes .

Exabyte scale available on demand

With Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service, you can not only deploy Qumulo in minutes, but also add virtually unlimited capacity on demand. That way, you can deploy what you need, when you need it, and scale incrementally as your needs grow. Start small and scale from terabytes to multiple petabytes and from thousands of files to billions in a single namespace - all natively in Azure.

Cloud file management made radically simple

Whether you're lifting and shifting workloads to the cloud, designing a hybrid or multi-cloud strategy, or need a reliable disaster recovery solution for your file data, Azure Native Qumulo Scalable File Service makes managing your data in the cloud radically simple.
  • Lift & shift workloads to the cloud without having to rewrite your applications.
  • Easily manage your data with all the features of Qumulo Core.
  • Easily replicate to Microsoft Azure to ensure business continuity.
  • Scale-out to meet your growing capacity needs.
  • Get comprehensive insight into your data with real-time analytics included by default with every deployment.
