How Big Data Brings Utility To Business Productivity


Big Data brings utility to business productivity, since it consists of the management and processing of huge volumes of information in such a way that traditional methods are not sufficient to take advantage of them.

Based on this premise, it is normal that this term has become so well known in recent times in the business, marketing and IT environment.

However, many professionals are reluctant or skeptical about Big Data and few companies have actually implemented it in their daily operations. In many cases, this position or current of thought is due to the fact that business people are not sure how Big Data really contributes to business productivity.


As stated at the beginning of this article, Big Data collects and analyzes large volumes of data. The functioning of the business world in the 21st century moves under this premise: if you have more information, you have more chances to carry out strategies and actions that are successful, and Big Data helps in this.

This way you get to analyze and improve your own business as well: detecting where the strongest and weakest points of the company are helps when it comes to improving problems, enhancing the best skills with the allocation of resources or achieving a fluidity in the communication of internal corporate information never seen before, among other things.

The following are a series of advantages of how Big Data contributes to business productivity:

It improves the decision-making process. Greater democratization and better connection is achieved in various operational departments thanks to mobile devices. In the same way, it improves anticipation, speed and the degree of accuracy in the decision-making process, even allowing the simulation and visualization of scenarios according to the data and the making of a particular decision to study the behavior and effects of the same.

Information updated in real time. All the information collected by the key performance indicators (KPIs) can be obtained on a daily basis, thus improving business reaction times, flexibility and decision making.

Helps in monitoring the competition. This aspect helps you to be competitive in the market of the sector you work in and increases the anticipation of your strategies.

Improved customer relations. The optimization of the satisfaction of the needs of a particular customer of your company regarding what product or service to sell, so that it is a more personalized treatment and service that is positively valued. In the same way, communication with them is improved and vital information is obtained to build customer loyalty.

These are some of the advantages that Big Data brings to business productivity. However, there are many more and they can be applied generically to the company or specifically to processes or departments.


Having seen all this, it is practically inconceivable that there are still companies and professionals who are not convinced of the importance and relevance of this topic in business productivity.

As we saw in this article, it was often said that the lack of application of Big Data was due to a lack of knowledge. Many companies believe that the subject is only handled by departments related to technology, marketing or senior management, without knowing how to locate it, use it and get the most out of it.

The important thing is the vision: we have seen how in recent years technological elements that are indispensable today, such as the use of computers, the Internet, cloud services, ERPs, etc., have gradually become standardized. The business world in the 21st century is dynamic and one of the next changes that will be standardized is Big Data.

In Clase10 we are experts in this type of subject and in various business productivity tools, with a great experience shown over time with results.

We would love to help you solving any doubt or need for advice you may have, so we encourage you to contact us for whatever you need.
