5 Ways to Back Up Your Data on World Backup Day

The data community has faced seemingly endless challenges over the past year, including increased ransomware attacks and new security vulnerabilities. For example, Log4j, an open-source logging library used by apps and services, is just one of the latest examples of technology identified as vulnerable to security attacks. As vulnerabilities and potential threats increase, our data becomes more critical. Here are just a few important things from the past year that we wouldn't have without file data: the research for new technology that can detect early signs of more than 50 types of cancer; soccer season; the new Officer's Boy movie; advances in electric car and ADAS technologies; and your personal work files, without which you would be completely lost. 2022 will celebrate World Backup Day feels more significant than ever.

Backing up unstructured file data is fraught with obstacles. Due to the size and complexity of individual files, it's time-consuming to determine which files have changed or need to be protected, and traditional backup solutions aren't designed to handle the ever-growing volume of data. But protecting your valuable file data doesn't have to be daunting, especially with the help of Qumulo.

In honor of World Backup Day, we're sharing the five best ways to integrate comprehensive file data backup and recovery tactics into your systems.

Good to Know: 5 Tactics for Backing Up and Restoring File Data

1) Your backup solutions should grow with your data.

The growth of your data doesn't slow down. And the growing amount of data in your system can exceed your IT or security team's ability to back it up and protect it. You need a backup solution that can keep up.

Qumulo can stair-step and adapt to the ever-changing demands of your petabytes of data, billions of files and millions of operations in real time. Qumulo security is built into this capability, automatically securing your data with software-based encryption as it scales, integrating with enterprise IT security systems and tracking usage by internal users.

It's important to investigate all implementations of backup and recovery. For example, Qumulo protection also provides a robust set of remediation measures such as snapshots, data moves to AWS S3, backups and snapshot replicas that allow files to be copied back from a previous version and prevent malware from changing their contents because snapshots are immutable (read-only). . And Qumulo layer allows you to copy data into native AWS S3, so an AWS S3 browser can always access a secondary version of your data that can be replicated across multiple sites.

2) Only a holistic approach can protect your file data infrastructure.

Threats can come from anywhere - even your internal employees. In the past year, it was very likely that a group of malicious actors approached employees at your company to help commit a cybercrime. According to a study by Pulse, 48% of employees surveyed were contacted directly to help with ransomware attacks on their companies.

Rather than focusing only on external threats, organizations need a comprehensive security solution that addresses both internal and external vulnerabilities. These solutions should understand that applications are not isolated in today's file data environment, and the only way to protect an organization from dangerous and sophisticated security threats is to implement a holistic, always-on defense strategy.

Qumulo offers diverse and abundant data services that allow customers to build a comprehensive strategy. Here are some options, such as:

Advanced security capabilities that target key areas of prevention, detection and remediation.

Qumulo Recovery Q Takes action when there is suspicious activity to prevent the ransomware from gaining access to subsequent layers, including your file data store.

Qumulo's API enables the initiation of automated mitigation actions from any entry point if malicious activity is detected

3) Reduce data blindness to reduce data loss.

Many storage systems don't tell you how and where you're using data, leading to what some people call data blindness. Data blindness prevents you from seeing an accurate picture of what's happening in your file system, or the details of how your data is being transformed and manipulated in real time.

Qumulo's systems are designed for complete transparency, which helps you answer critical questions about your data, such as what needs to be safely archived or backed up. Another way to reduce data blindness is to require viewing access to all management systems so you can always see what's going on in your internal applications. By gaining better visibility into our data, we can get a handle on who is accessing our data and where the likelihood of data loss from a malicious malware or ransomware attack can be reduced.

4) Prepare for the worst with business continuity and data recovery.

What if you haven't backed up your data and disaster strikes? It's not the end of the world - if you have disaster recovery. Developing a strong business continuity and disaster recovery plan requires proactive steps to defend data storage systems, identify suspicious access patterns and ensure a rapid response to ransomware recovery.

If your data is compromised, first undo the damage. Try to return to the last good version of your data. Snapshots, data retention policies, consistent or tertiary locations, such as the cloud, will all add layers of defense.

5) Act now - before it's too late.

Prevention is the best medicine, and it's essential to plan your backup and recovery in advance. If your data is compromised before you have the proper protection plan in place, the smallest breach can set your systems back and the data loss can be insurmountable.
