Get the most out of your music files with one of these MP3 metadata editors

MP3 files used to be almost ubiquitous when it came to downloading and playing audio files. Of course, this has since changed, but the MP3 as an audio file is still very popular and in demand.

Everyone who works with MP3 files must be familiar with the associated information, called metadata. The metadata contains additional information about the audio file, such as the date of creation, the author, as well as possible previous changes.

Unfortunately, this information is not always accurate. They may also be confidential or contain information you do not want to share with other people. In such a case, you need a metadata editor for MP3 files to make corrections.

This guide will introduce you to a few of the best editing programs for 2021. Let's go.

Reasons for editing MP3 metadata

If you've ever downloaded an MP3 file, you know that different sources often leave conflicting information in each file, such as author, title, artist, music genre, sound category, etc. By editing this information, it becomes clearer what the individual file contains. It also makes it easier to sort them into a storage system.

For example, sorting a series of MP3 files by date only works if the date is correctly specified in the file. If you downloaded several files on the same day, the computer would sort them by the time they were downloaded. This is not very helpful if you actually want to know the date of the recording.

For correct sorting, you need to post-correct the dates within the file so that you can sort them accordingly.

Many people are aware of privacy and security issues related to digital images, but MP3 metadata has received less attention.

However, it is sometimes useful to delete metadata from an MP3 file if it contains irrelevant or misleading information. Deleting such information can make it easier to categorize and organize the files.

Now you have learned why it can be important to edit and remove metadata. Now let's take a look at the best editing programs for 2021.

The best programs available

If you want to reliably edit the metadata of an MP3 file, the following programs will not let you down.

1. Wondershare UniConverter

Wondershare UniConverter is not a pure MP3 editor, but it is still excellent for this task. When it comes to editing mp3s, Wondershare is convincing because it allows the user to quickly and easily edit certain elements through a clear user interface.

Even though this program offers many features, its main purpose as an mp3 editor is to allow users to cor

2. MP3Tag

MP3Tag allows both basic and complex metadata modifications within a powerful yet easy-to-use program. MP3tag differs from other editors in that it synchronizes well with other programs and can export files to different platforms.

The name of the program is deceiving: with Mp3Tag you can also edit the metadata of many other file formats, such as MP4 or WMA, among others. If you plan to edit metadata in detail and extensively, it is recommended to use MP3tag.

3. tagScanner

TagScanner is designed to both edit metadata and save MP3 files efficiently and clearly. Like other MP3 editors, TagScanner lets you edit and rename audio files and do the same with a whole range of file formats.

What makes TagScanner stand out is its ability to quickly and easily edit metadata of files on a larger scale, as well as its ability to retrieve metadata directly from a directory located on a computer or in cloud storage.

4. Kid3

Kid3 can edit metadata in MP3s, as well as in other file formats such as MP4, WMA, WAV and more. The software is extremely useful for all users who want to organize and edit many files simultaneously, especially if they want to divide their music by genre.

As far as the aesthetics and functionality of the software are concerned, Kid3 is a front-runner. It's a breeze to use, and opening files and switching between them works smoothly. For this reason alone, Kid3 is worth considering.

5. Frigate3

Frigate3 is a somewhat older system, but it still works excellently. Many users still swear by Frigate's software when it comes to editing MP3 and other audio files. While the user interface is a bit more complex, it also gives users more features to make more extensive changes to metadata.

The downside of Frigate (apart from the design, which looks like program for Windows 98) is the complexity, which can quickly overwhelm beginners when editing metadata. Experienced users will enjoy the system. However, if you are looking for an easy-to-use program, this product may not be for you.

6 The GodFather

The GodFather is a highly specialized editing program that allows extensive metadata deletion and editing through a user-friendly interface. The software is suitable for a wide range of file formats, but is mainly aimed at users who want to edit MP3 metadata - especially for music files.

One particularly nice feature is that you can edit the associated lyrics of any MP3 file. On the one hand, you might think that this harms the integrity of the file, but on the other hand, it allows you to make corrections if the lyrics were entered incorrectly.

7. TigoTago

Like Kid3, TigoTago also impresses with its design. The design of the program's individual tabs is impressive, and the user interface appears fluid and extremely functional. This makes editing MP3s with TigoTago a breeze.

Another great advantage of this aesthetically pleasing user interface is, of course, its straightforward operation. Users who are not quite as tech-savvy will be grateful for such a clear program.

Is it possible to edit MP3 metadata manually?

If you just want to quickly change a few files, MP3 metadata can also be edited with programs that you probably already have installed. If one of the following programs is available to you, you can use it to make corrections in no time.

Groove Music

Microsoft's Groove lets users edit metadata with a few simple clicks. First, open the file you want to edit. An image of the artist or album cover will appear. Right-click on this image and select the 'Edit' or 'Edit Info' button. Now a window will open where many different fields can be edited.

VLC Media Player

Not everyone uses the VLC Media Player - but if you have one, you can quickly adjust some data of an MP3 file. First, open the file in the player and then select 'Media Information' from the top 'Tools' bar. This will open a window where you can edit various fields.


iTunes allows you to make some basic changes to the metadata of an MP3 file. First, launch the program and either open the file you want or highlight it in your iTunes library. Click on 'Get Information' and then make the desired adjustments to the respective entries.

Final considerations

The MP3 format may have fallen out of fashion somewhat, but it still finds many practical uses. So keep these programs in mind in case you ever need to process a large number of files of this type.
